Abstract—consular relations as one of the foreign relations is a necessity for every country. both the receiving and sending countries have their respective obligations under international law. the purpose of this research is to find out whether america's actions in entering the empty russian consulate building in seattle violated the principles of inviolability and extraterritoriality in the 1963 vienna convention. this research was conducted using a normative juridical method, using 3 (three) approaches including statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. the united states as the recipient country in this study violated the principles of inviolability and extraterritoriality by breaking into an empty russian consulate building in seattle. america should respect the principles of inviolability and extraterritoriality by bringing third parties as neutral parties, and at that time there were no urgent or extraordinary conditions (force majeure). america itself ratified the 1963 vienna convention on diplomatic law so that america could be declared to have violated the principles of international law.
Keywords: inviolability, premises, consulate, extrateritoriality
Abstrak—Hubungan konsuler sebagai salah satu hubungan luar negeri merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap negara. Baik negara penerima dan pengirim mempunyai kewajiban masing-masing dalam hukum internasional. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah tindakan Amerika yang masuk kedalam gedung konsulat Rusia yang kosong di Seattle melanggar prinsip inviolability dan extraterritorial dalam Konvensi Wina 1963. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) pendekatan antara lain statute approach, conceptual approach, dan case approach. Amerika Serikat sebagai negara penerima dalam penelitian ini melanggar prinsip inviolability dan extraterritoriality dengan melakukan pembobolan kedalam gedung konsulat Rusia di Seattle yang kosong. Amerika seharusnya menghargai prinsip inviolability dan extraterritoriality dengan membawa pihak ketiga sebagai pihak netral dan pada saat itu tidak terjadi kondisi mendesak atau hal luar biasa (force majeur). Amerika sendiri meratifikasi Konvensi Wina 1963 tentang hukum diplomatik sehingga Amerika dapat dinyatakan melanggar prinsip hukum internasional.
Kata kunci: inviolability, premis, konsulat, ekstrateritorial
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