Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Nilai Fungsional Bawang Putih (Allium sativum)

  • Chessa Uly Thalia Fakultas Teknobiologi, Universitas Surabaya
  • Ruth Chrisnasari Fakultas Teknobiologi, Universitas Surabaya
  • Ardhia Dheasy Rosita Dewi Fakultas Teknobiologi, Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: bawang putih, bawang hitam, pickled garlic, pangan fungsional, aktivitas antioksidan, fenolik, alliin, S-allyl cysteine, garlic, black garlic, functional food, antioxidant activity, phenols


Abstract-Organosulphur compounds in garlic has bactericidal effect and antioxidant potentials. However, toxic effects and strong odor produced by the compound allicin contribute to the reduction of garlic consumption. The production of allicin compound can be inhibited by skipping grinding and substituting it with other methods such as heating with oven and soaking in salt water, so the production pathway of organosulphur compounds will produce S-allyl cysteine which have lower toxic effect and antioxidant activity up to six fold compared to allicin. This research is done as a preliminary test to know the effect of process towards functional value of garlic. The results showed that the best treatment for black garlic (80℃ for 40 days) and pickled garlic (salt concentration of 3% for 40 days) has antioxidant activity (37,03%, 72,30%, and 32,17%), phenolic content (0,50mg GAE/g sample, 1,09mg GAE/g sample, and 0,146mg GAE/g sample), vitamin C content (0,068% b/b, 0,348% b/b, and 0,054% b/b), and protein content (3,1% N, 7,61% N, and 1,45% N) respectively that was significantly different (pvalue < 0,05), antimicrobial activity and total plate count test was not significantly different (pvalue > 0,05). Therefore, the process that gives the highest functional value was the black garlic.

Keywords: garlic, black garlic, pickled garlic, functional food, antioxidant activity, phenols, alliin, S-allyl cysteine

Abstrak-Senyawa organosulfur dalam bawang putih memiliki efek bakteriosidal dan potensi sebagai antioksidan. Namun, adanya efek toksik dan bau menyengat yang dihasilkan oleh senyawa allisin mengurangi daya konsumsi masyarakat. Produksi senyawa allisin dapat dihambat dengan menghilangkan penggerusan dan melakukan pengolahan yang lain, yaitu pengovenan dan perendaman pada air garam, sehingga jalur produksi senyawa organosulfur akan menghasilkan S-allyl cysteine dengan efek toksik jauh lebih kecil namun aktivitas antioksidan enam kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan allisin. Penelitian ini sebagai uji pendahuluan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengolahan terhadap nilai fungsional bawang putih. Dari hasil uji, bawang putih, perlakuan terbaik bawang hitam (suhu 80℃ selama 40 hari), dan pickled garlic (kadar garam 3% selama 40 hari) secara berturut-turut memiliki aktivitas antioksidan (37,03%, 72,30%, dan 32,17%), senyawa fenolik total (0,50mg GAE/g sampel, 1,09mg GAE/g sampel, dan 0,146mg GAE/g sampel), kadar vitamin C (0,068% b/b, 0,348% b/b, dan 0,054% b/b), dan kadar protein (3,1% N, 7,61% N, dan 1,45% N) yang berbeda signifikan (pvalue < 0,05), aktivitas antimikroba dan uji total plate count tidak berbeda signifikan (pvalue > 0,05), sehingga pengolahan yang memberikan nilai fungsional tertinggi yaitu bawang hitam.

Kata kunci: bawang putih, bawang hitam, pickled garlic, pangan fungsional, aktivitas antioksidan, fenolik, alliin, S-allyl cysteine.


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How to Cite
Thalia, C. U., Chrisnasari, R., & Rosita Dewi, A. D. (2020). Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Nilai Fungsional Bawang Putih (Allium sativum). Keluwih: Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi, 1(1), 1-14.