Perspektif Puisi “A Dream Within A Dream” Pada Desain Fashion dan Lifestyle Homespun Spring Summer 2021

Abstract—A Spring/Summer 2021 collection based on WGSN trend forecast for Spring/Summer 2021 called HomeSpun, which inspired from Edgar Allan Poe's poem, "A Dream within a Dream". This poem consists of 24 rows which divided into two stanzas, illustrate the differences between our perception of lives and the effect of time, that emphasize human existencies are only dreams and illusions, an abstract picture from human mind. Clothes category are citywear with sophisticated and elegant looks. Using in-depth interview, some keywords are produced, namely blurry, contention, curved lines, encounter of two different substances, conflicting diagonal line, and transparant. That keywords then poured into garment's cutting, details, and embellishments. The collection's details and embellishments are deconstructed cutting, plaits, embroidery texts, crochet, and clay beads. This collection consists of 60 designs of menswear, womenswear, and kidswear, also its lifestyle products and accessories. 5 looks consists of 14 garments, 5 pieces of shoes, 2 bags, 2 earrings, 2 glasses, 3 headbands, 1 set of hair clip, 1 bracelet, 1 scrunchies, and 1 handphone & airpods case were realized.
Keywords: blurry, conflicting diagonal line, contention, two realities
Abstrak—Perancangan koleksi Spring/Summer 2021 berdasarkan trend forecast WGSN Spring/Summer 2021 “HomeSpun” menggunakan inspirasi dari puisi karya Edgar Allan Poe, “A Dream within a Dream”. Puisi ini mempunyai 24 baris yang dibagi menjadi dua bait, menceritakan perbedaan persepsi hidup kita serta efek waktu, yang menekankan bahwa eksistansi manusia hanyalah suatu impian dan ilusi, sebuah gambaran abstrak dari pikiran manusia. Kategori busana adalah citywear dengan kesan sophisticated dan elegan. Melalui metode penelitian wawancara, dihasilkan beberapa kata kunci, yaitu blurry, suatu pertentangan/bertolak belakang, garis lengkung, pertemuan antara dua substansi berbeda, conflicting diagonal line, serta transparan. Berbagai kata kunci tersebut kemudian dituangkan dalam cutting pakaian, detail, serta embellishments pada garmen. Detail dan embellishment yang dipakai adalah cutting yang sedikit deconstructed, anyaman, tulisan dengan menggunakan jahitan dan sulaman, serta rajutan dan clay beads. Koleksi ini terdiri dari 60 desain pakaian wanita, pria, serta anak perempuan dan berbagai produk lifestyle serta aksesoris pelengkapnya. Pakaian yang direalisasikan sebanyak 5 looks, yang terdiri atas 14 garmen, 5 pasang sepatu, 2 tas, 2 anting-anting, 2 kacamata, 3 headband, 1 set jepit rambut, 1 gelang, 1 scrunchie, serta 1 case handphone dan airpods.
Kata kunci: blurry, conflicting diagonal line, dua realita, pertentangan
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