Efektivitas Efikasi Pemberian Antivirus Favipiravir pada Pasien Covid-19: Evidence Based Case Report

Abstract—COVID-19 pandemic is still a major global health problem. Currently, there are no specific treatment recommendations for Covid-19 patients. Currently, the number of studies discussing antiviral therapy is increasing, but the efficacy of giving antiviral to Covid-19 patients is still being debated. Favipiravir is an antiviral regimen that is widely used to treat moderate to severe Covid-19 patients. This report aims to identify how effective Favipiravir in Covid-19 patients. Literature searching was carried in four internet databases, including Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCO, and Cochrane Library based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The validity, importance, and applicability of the article is the further examined. The article under review should have the same problems, interventions, and outcomes as the case. There were three selected meta-analysis studies that were equally valid and applicable to our patients. Study from Manabe show OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.03–2.40, p = 0.04. Study from Hassanipour show RR= 1.24, 95% CI: 1.09–1.41; p= 0.001. Study from Shrestha show RR = 1.25. 95% CI = 1.01-1.53, p = 0.01. Administration of Favipiravir as an antiviral in the treatment of Covid-19 patients can reduce viral load faster and provide better clinical improvement.
Keywords: covid-19, effectiveness efficacy, favipiravir
Abstrak—Pandemi COVID-19 masih menjadi permasalahan utama kesehatan dunia. Saat ini belum tersedia rekomendasi tatalaksana khusus pasien Covid-19. Jumlah studi yang membahas mengenai terapi antivirus semakin bertambah, namun efikasi pemberian terapi antivirus pada pasien Covid-19 masih menjadi perdebatan. Favipiravir merupakan regimen antivirus yang banyak digunakan sebagai tatalaksana pasien Covid-19 derajat sedang sampai berat. Laporan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana efektivitas efikasi Favipiravir pada pasien Covid-19. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan pada empat database internet yaitu Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCO dan Cochrane library berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Validitas, Kepentingan dan Aplikabilitas artikel kemudian ditelaah lebih lanjut. Artikel yang ditelaah harus memiliki masalah, intervensi dan outcome yang sama dengan kasus. Terdapat tiga studi meta-analysis terpilih yang memiliki validitas yang sama dan dapat diterapkan pada pasien kami. Studi oleh Manabe didapatkan OR = 1,60, 95% CI = 1,03–2,40, p = 0,04. Studi oleh Hassanipour didapatkan RR= 1,24, 95% CI = 1,09–1,41, p= 0,001. Studi oleh Shrestha didapatkan RR = 1,25, 95% CI = 1,01-1,53, p = 0,01. Pemberian Favipiravir sebagai antivirus dalam pengobatan pasien Covid-19 dapat menurunkan viral load lebih cepat dan memberikan perbaikan klinis yang lebih baik.
Kata kunci: covid-19, efektivitas efikasi, favipiravir
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