Perbedaan Perceived Susceptibility dan Severity Pelaksanaan Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 Masyarakat Perkotaan dan Pedesaan
Abstract—Perceived Susceptibility is an individual's subjective perception of the risk of getting a disease, and Perceived Severity is information that a person believes about the severity or seriousness of a disease. A person with high Perceived Susceptibility and Perceived Severity can improve preventive behavior against Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in Perceived Susceptibility and Perceived Severity in the implementation of the Covid-19 health protocol in urban and rural communities. The research method is quantitative in the form of observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. Data was collected in urban and rural areas with 88 total of respondents. The results of the analysis with the Mann Whitney test show that there is a difference in Perceived Susceptibility based on urban and rural area(p=0.001), education level(p=0.001), occupation(p=0.008), experience of being diagnosed with Covid-19(p=0.025) and there are not any difference based on the source of information(p=0.938). There are differences in Perceived Severity based on urban and rural areas(p=0.026), education level(p=0.005), occupation(p=0.012), experience of being diagnosed with Covid-19 (p= 0.03) and there are not any differences based on the source of information(p=0.877). This study shows that urban communities have higher Perceived Susceptibility and Perceived Severity in the implementation of the Covid-19 health protocol than rural communities.
Keywords: covid-19 health protocol, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity
Abstrak—Perceived Susceptibility atau persepsi kerentanan merupakan persepsi subyektif seorang individu terhadap risiko terkena suatu penyakit sedangkan Perceived Severity atau persepsi keseriusan merupakan persepsi yang diyakini seseorang tentang suatu keparahan atau keseriusan suatu penyakit. Seseorang dengan Perceived Susceptibility (persepsi kerentanan) dan Perceived Severity (persepsi keseriusan) yang tinggi terhadap Covid-19 dapat meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan terhadap Covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan Perceived Susceptibility dan Perceived Severity dalam pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan Covid-19 pada masyarakat perkotaan dan pedesaan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif berupa studi analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara consecutive sampling di dua lokasi yaitu di wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan dengan total responden sebanyak 88 orang. Hasil analisis dengan Uji Mann Whitney menunjukan adanya perbedaan Perceived Susceptibility berdasarkan wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan (p=0,001), pendidikan (p=0,001), pekerjaan (p=0,008), pengalaman positif Covid-19 (p=0,025) dan tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan berdasarkan sumber informasi (p=0,938). Sedangkan untuk Perceived Severity ditemukan adanya perbedaan berdasarkan wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan (p=0,026), pendidikan (p=0,005), pekerjaan (p=0,012), pengalaman positif Covid-19 (p=0,03) dan tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan berdasarkan sumber informasi (p=0,877). Penelitian ini menunjukkan masyarakat perkotaan memiliki Perceived Susceptibility dan Perceived Severity yang lebih tinggi dalam menjalankan protokol kesehatan Covid-19 dibanding masyarakat pedesaan.
Kata kunci: protokol kesehatan covid-19, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity
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