Focus and Scope

Acknowledging the significance of Indonesia's unique identity, including its geographical location, cultural diversity, and other relevant aspects, our journal provides a dedicated space for exploring the specific Indonesian context and values. Our focus is on promoting and showcasing research that embodies the essence of Indonesiaembracing its diverse perspectives and characteristics. By emphasizing the Indonesian context, we aim to advance psychological knowledge and understanding within Indonesia while also impacting the global psychological research community.

In terms of scope, ANIMA focuses on publishing original empirical research and review papers related to Indonesian psychological research or the contributions of Indonesia to international psychological research projects or debates. We prioritize topics within the fields of education, health, and organizational settings, recognizing their significance in societal development. Our journal welcomes diverse research approaches, acknowledging that various psychological phenomena require a multidimensional perspective. As such, we provide a platform for articles based on interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research, giving special attention to these valuable contributions.


Subjects and Topics

ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal focuses on General Psychology or Psychology at Large, which consists of:

Subjects such as:

Basic/Experimental Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Core of Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Educational Psychology, School Psychology, and Training

Forensic Psychology

Health Psychology and Medicine

Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Management

Neuroscience and Cognition

Social Psychology and Social Processes


Topics such as:


Drug/Substance Abuse and Psychopharmacology

Family Psychology                          

General Topics and History of Psychology

Health and Mental Health

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Law and Public Policy

Lifespan and Human Development


Personality and Adjustment

Professional Issues and Training

Race/Culture/Ethnic Minorities

Social Psychology and Group Dynamics

Treatment and Prevention


Publication Frequency

ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal is published half-yearly/twice a year on January and July (first published quarterly on October 1985 until July 2019) by the Laboratory of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Surabaya.