The CrossMark icon used by ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal represents a commitment to maintaining the integrity of published content and notifying readers of any changes.


What is Crossmark?
Crossmark is an initiative led by CrossRef involving multiple publishers. It helps readers identify the definitive version of a document. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal emphasizes the importance of having a complete and accurate scholarly record for researchers and librarians, and ensures this through its digital archive. Clicking the CrossMark icon provides information about the document's current status and may include additional publication details.

ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal and Crossmark
Only certain current and future journal content from ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal will feature the CrossMark icon. This excludes articles categorized as Articles in Press or Online First, which currently do not display the icon.

Publication Types

Type of Update

Short Description

Addendum An addition to a published article that provides further information or data not included in the original publication.
Clarification A statement that explains or provides more detail on a specific part of a published article to clear up any confusion or misinterpretation.
Correction A modification made to a published article to rectify an error that does not significantly affect the overall findings or conclusions.
Corrigendum  A correction of a significant error made by the authors that affects the interpretation of the article's data or findings.
Erratum A correction of errors introduced during the publishing process that affect the integrity of the article, such as typographical or factual errors.
Expression of Concern A formal notice concerning the integrity or reliability of a published article, often issued while an investigation is ongoing.
New Edition A revised and updated version of previously published work, often enhanced with new data or findings.
New Version An updated version of an article that includes significant revisions or additional content that changes the original conclusions or data.
Partial Retraction The withdrawal of a specific part of a published article due to inaccuracies or errors that compromise a portion of the article's content.
Removal  The deletion of an article from a publication's archive, typically due to legal issues or ethical concerns.
Retraction The withdrawal of a published article from a journal due to significant errors or misconduct discovered after publication.
Withdrawal The removal of an article from the publication process or archives, typically initiated by the authors or publishers due to various reasons, including ethical concerns or errors.