Five Love Languages and Personality Factors Revisited

  • Edwin Adrianta Surijah Universitas Dhyana Pura
  • Komala Sari Universitas Dhyana Pura
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Keywords: five love languages, personality types, BFI, construct validity


Current research replicates previous research on five love languages. It aimed to gather further validation evidence and to determine whether a person with a particular love language has a certain personality type as well. Undergraduate students participated as research sample (n = 313). Love languages and personality types were measured with Five Love Languages scale and Big Five Inventory respectively. Zero-order correlation showed a significant correlation between love languages and personality types except on Receiving Gift and Neuroticism. Comparison with the previous research exhibited diverging result which prompts to discussions on a better approach to measuring love languages.


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How to Cite
Surijah, E. A., & Sari, K. (2018). Five Love Languages and Personality Factors Revisited. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 33(2), 71-87.