Exploratory Factor Analysis for Indonesian Version of PID-5

  • Widhi Adhiatma Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Rebeka Pinaima Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Lusiana Bintang Siregar Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Prischa Nova Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Khristina Kencana Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Magdalena S. Halim Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
  • Benedicta P. Dwi Riyanti Universitas Katolik Indonesia Widya Mandala
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Keywords: PID-5, DSM-5, personality disorders, exploratory factor analysis (EFA)


Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) is an instrument aimed for measuring pathological personality trait based on DSM-5’s Personality Disorders model which contains five pathological personality domains and divided into 25 pathological personality facets. The form of this instrument is a self-report consisting 220 items. The development of Indonesian Version of PID-5 is considered important because the existence of this instrument will assist the clinicians to identify the personality disorders based on DSM-5. This study performs the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) technique for all PID-5 facets to test the construct validity and to acknowledge the structure of factor in this Indonesian version of PID-5. This test was carried out by involving samples from 245 normal individual population (male = 88, female = 157) with an average of 23.31 years old. The result of EFA test showed that the amount of factors generated by the Indonesian version of PID-5 facets were six factors, which differs from the amount of factors generated by the original version of PID-5. This finding has similarities with other studies about personality instruments using the basic theory of  Big-5 in Asia.


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How to Cite
Adhiatma, W., Pinaima, R., Siregar, L. B., Nova, P., Kencana, K., Halim, M. S., & Riyanti, B. P. D. (2014). Exploratory Factor Analysis for Indonesian Version of PID-5. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 29(4), 199-206. Retrieved from https://journal.ubaya.ac.id/index.php/jpa/article/view/2901