Guidelines on Conducting Online Experiments with Repeated Measures and Using Smartphone Applications

[Panduan Melakukan Eksperimen Daring dengan Pengukuran Multipel serta Menggunakan Aplikasi Ponsel]

  • Intan Permatasari Universitas Indonesia
  • Harry Susianto Universitas Indonesia
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Keywords: online experiment, eksperimen daring, repeated measures, pengukuran multipel, smartphone application, aplikasi ponsel


In Indonesia, online research is typically conducted using survey design. Data collection is conducted by distributing links to questionnaires through social media. Compared to surveys, online experimental research, especially ones that utilize mobile applications and require repeated measures, are very rarely implemented. This is thought to be caused by the lack of experience among researchers of psychology in creating and managing online research platforms or smartphone applications. This article aims to guide researchers on conducting online experiments with repeated measures, integrated with additional smartphone applications that are available for free.

Di Indonesia penelitian secara daring umumnya dilakukan menggunakan desain survei. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan tautan kuesioner melalui media sosial. Dibandingkan survei, penelitian eksperimen daring, terlebih lagi yang menggunakan aplikasi ponsel dan membutuhkan pengukuran multipel sangat jarang dilakukan. Penyebabnya diduga karena peneliti psikologi umumnya belum terbiasa membuat serta mengelola platform penelitian daring atau aplikasi ponsel. Artikel ini bertujuan memberikan panduan melakukan eksperimen daring dengan pengukuran multipel (repeated measures) yang mengintegrasikan tambahan aplikasi ponsel yang bisa dilakukan secara gratis.


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How to Cite
Permatasari, I., & Susianto, H. (2022). Guidelines on Conducting Online Experiments with Repeated Measures and Using Smartphone Applications: [Panduan Melakukan Eksperimen Daring dengan Pengukuran Multipel serta Menggunakan Aplikasi Ponsel]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 37(1).