Psychological Well-Being Dynamics of Catholic Pastors in Surabaya

  • Bartolomeus Yofana Adiwena Universitas Surabaya
  • Khanis Suvianita Universitas Surabaya
  • Hartanti Hartanti Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: psychological well-being, pastor, self-determination, coping, social support


Being a pastor is a challenging life calling, not only in terms of duties and responsibilities, but also due to the lifestyle “demands”. On a personal level, a pastor is an individual who still needs to take care of their own welfare as well as being cared for. The current study is a qualitative research that aims to understand the psychological well-being dynamics of pastors. There are two informants in this study. Results showed that factors supporting the psychological well-being of the two pastors are self-determination, skill and positive values acquired from the seminary, adaptive coping strategies, and social support.


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How to Cite
Adiwena, B. Y., Suvianita, K., & Hartanti, H. (2016). Psychological Well-Being Dynamics of Catholic Pastors in Surabaya. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 31(3), 132-142.