Students’ Aspiration and Motivational Goal: A Comparative Study Between Javanese and Sundanese Ethnicities

  • Juliana Murniati Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
  • Novita W. Sutantoputri Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
  • Margaretha Purwanti Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
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Keywords: students' aspiration, motivational goals, ethnic comparison


The present study compared two ethnicities, Javanese and Sundanese, within the Indonesia context on their educational aspiration and motivational goals. High school students, 127 students from Javanese background and 285 students from Sundanese background participated in the study. Students’ educational aspirations had three dimensions: ambition (α = .748), enjoyment in school and life (α = .662), and importance of schooling to the future (α = .816); motivational goals had three dimensions: learning goals (α = .864), performance approach goals (α = .862), and performance avoidance goals (α = .709). The results for the Javanese participants showed that importance of schooling predicted students’ learning goals, enjoyment in school and life predicted performance approach and performance avoidance goals. The results for the Sundanese participants showed ambition and enjoyment in school and life dimensions predicted students’ learning goals. Students from Sundanese ethnic background had higher scores on ambition and importance of schooling to the future compared to Javanese students. They also had a higher score on learning goals than Javanese students.


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How to Cite
Murniati, J., Sutantoputri, N. W., & Purwanti, M. (2020). Students’ Aspiration and Motivational Goal: A Comparative Study Between Javanese and Sundanese Ethnicities. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 29(4), 221-227. Retrieved from